Post by Christopher PattersonThis actually dovetails with an idea I've been kicking around - I'd
love to use the "star" mechanism as a way to draw users deeper into
the site.
Specifically, I think it'd be nice to expose how many users have
starred a given item (and show who those users are, to help folks
find users they might be interested in following).
I like this idea. I think it could also eventually grow into being a
place to expose recommended users -- ie for now, we just show some
little random sample of who starred it, but later that could be a more
intelligent sample. If we allow paging through them all, replace
sample with sort order :)
It also reminds me that right now there are some interesting things
you can do with starred items, but they require far too much
creativity and too many workflow steps to accomplish. For a simple
example, maybe we should have something like this be configured by
default when you start:
* always subscribed to the starred items of anyone you follow
* always starts with a slider for "starred items of people I follow"
* possibly always starts out following somebody (? like how tom is
always your friend on myspace when you start)
I'd also like to think about how starred items and following /
followers fit together from a more idealized perspective that's
divorced from how it works now. What would everyone's ideal way of
working with these be?
Post by Christopher PattersonI also think that we ought to consider adding profile images to
melkjug, to put a more engaging face on the other folks using this
tool. Gravatars are pretty simple to implement, and key off of email
address, which we already require for users.
Yeah this could be an easy win. I'd also like to see a reworking of
the follower / following presentation and workflow. My feeling on
this is that twitter basically has it right. Present some sampling
for other users to use for discovery, show the full list paged
elsewhere with search.
- Luke
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