Joshua Bronson
2009-03-04 21:32:47 UTC
Been chatting in #couchdb and just found out about a couple gotchas when
running the couchdb test suite (last link under "Tools" in futon), wanted to
capture them here before I put them elsewhere in our notes:
jchris: magicbronson: the test suite is only officially supported in FF
jchris: safari is too fast for the test suite
jchris: magicbronson: I tend to run in FF with Firebug enabled, which adds
some latency to everything
jchris: running the tests on a production server is a little weird, as it
calls restart a lot
jchris: and also swaps out the authorization method with a test auth method
jchris: maybe we should put a note on the test page !
magicbronson: jchris: weird as in not a good idea to do while your site is
up and running? mine is currently 'down for maintenance' if that's what you
jchris: if your couch is not available to the public internet its probably
magicbronson: jchris: ok, cool
jchris: however, someone could pwn your couch if they hit it with the
user/pass of jchris/mp3 during the security_validation test
magicbronson: jchris: good to know! my couch only accepts connections from
localhost so i don't have to worry right?
jchris: magicbronson: probably not
running the couchdb test suite (last link under "Tools" in futon), wanted to
capture them here before I put them elsewhere in our notes:
jchris: magicbronson: the test suite is only officially supported in FF
jchris: safari is too fast for the test suite
jchris: magicbronson: I tend to run in FF with Firebug enabled, which adds
some latency to everything
jchris: running the tests on a production server is a little weird, as it
calls restart a lot
jchris: and also swaps out the authorization method with a test auth method
jchris: maybe we should put a note on the test page !
magicbronson: jchris: weird as in not a good idea to do while your site is
up and running? mine is currently 'down for maintenance' if that's what you
jchris: if your couch is not available to the public internet its probably
magicbronson: jchris: ok, cool
jchris: however, someone could pwn your couch if they hit it with the
user/pass of jchris/mp3 during the security_validation test
magicbronson: jchris: good to know! my couch only accepts connections from
localhost so i don't have to worry right?
jchris: magicbronson: probably not