[melkjug-dev] couchdb test suite gotchas
Joshua Bronson
2009-03-04 21:32:47 UTC
Been chatting in #couchdb and just found out about a couple gotchas when
running the couchdb test suite (last link under "Tools" in futon), wanted to
capture them here before I put them elsewhere in our notes:
jchris: magicbronson: the test suite is only officially supported in FF
jchris: safari is too fast for the test suite
jchris: magicbronson: I tend to run in FF with Firebug enabled, which adds
some latency to everything

jchris: running the tests on a production server is a little weird, as it
calls restart a lot
jchris: and also swaps out the authorization method with a test auth method
jchris: maybe we should put a note on the test page !
magicbronson: jchris: weird as in not a good idea to do while your site is
up and running? mine is currently 'down for maintenance' if that's what you
jchris: if your couch is not available to the public internet its probably
magicbronson: jchris: ok, cool
jchris: however, someone could pwn your couch if they hit it with the
user/pass of jchris/mp3 during the security_validation test
magicbronson: jchris: good to know! my couch only accepts connections from
localhost so i don't have to worry right?
jchris: magicbronson: probably not
Joshua Bronson
2009-03-06 22:15:21 UTC
couple more gotchas i forgot to mention:- the uuid test will fail if the
time on the server couch is running on is out of sync with the time on the
computer you're running the test on. both our dev and production servers'
clocks had drifted by more than a few seconds, and once i fixed that the
test passed.
- the view_conflicts test (and possibly others) will fail if the local port
you're hitting couch through does not match the remote port.
Post by Joshua Bronson
Been chatting in #couchdb and just found out about a couple gotchas when
running the couchdb test suite (last link under "Tools" in futon), wanted to
jchris: magicbronson: the test suite is only officially supported in FF
jchris: safari is too fast for the test suite
jchris: magicbronson: I tend to run in FF with Firebug enabled, which adds
some latency to everything
jchris: running the tests on a production server is a little weird, as it
calls restart a lot
jchris: and also swaps out the authorization method with a test auth method
jchris: maybe we should put a note on the test page !
magicbronson: jchris: weird as in not a good idea to do while your site is
up and running? mine is currently 'down for maintenance' if that's what you
jchris: if your couch is not available to the public internet its probably
magicbronson: jchris: ok, cool
jchris: however, someone could pwn your couch if they hit it with the
user/pass of jchris/mp3 during the security_validation test
magicbronson: jchris: good to know! my couch only accepts connections from
localhost so i don't have to worry right?
jchris: magicbronson: probably not