Luke Tucker
2009-02-16 21:35:38 UTC
After hearing rob marianski's talk about distributed version control,
I'm sort of re-psyched about the possibilities of using distributed
version control for melkjug. Also simultaneously, trying to merge
large branches in subversion is giving me the expected headaches...
So I thought maybe I'd get the ball rolling on thinking about whether
it's something we want to do, and if so, when and how.
I'm not sure right if we need to decide on this organizationally, or
if we can just move on it as a project. No big rush, but I'm for
moving over fairly soon unless there is a larger organizational reason
not to. Rob demonstrated mercurial, but I'm kind of non-bindingly
digging git so far. Anyone have strong opinions about moving/not
moving or about the particular software we use ?
My next questions would be about how to organize the project packages
and host it if anyone has particular thoughts on that.
- Luke
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After hearing rob marianski's talk about distributed version control,
I'm sort of re-psyched about the possibilities of using distributed
version control for melkjug. Also simultaneously, trying to merge
large branches in subversion is giving me the expected headaches...
So I thought maybe I'd get the ball rolling on thinking about whether
it's something we want to do, and if so, when and how.
I'm not sure right if we need to decide on this organizationally, or
if we can just move on it as a project. No big rush, but I'm for
moving over fairly soon unless there is a larger organizational reason
not to. Rob demonstrated mercurial, but I'm kind of non-bindingly
digging git so far. Anyone have strong opinions about moving/not
moving or about the particular software we use ?
My next questions would be about how to organize the project packages
and host it if anyone has particular thoughts on that.
- Luke
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