Joshua Bronson
2008-11-07 17:46:42 UTC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Bronson <jabronson-***>
Date: Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: feed lookup service only returns 1 result?
To: Google-AJAX-Search-API-/***
Hey Ben,, there didn't seem to
be a way for me to specify 'suggestion' rather than 'defect'. Did I miss
possible I'll be able to use this instead, though I have to think about it
some more. But for the sake of argument if nothing else, feed find and feed
lookup do serve two distinct purposes: find takes some search terms and
returns related feeds, whereas (as I understand it) lookup expects the url
of an html document and returns (currently only the first of possibly many)
feeds referenced in it. For this particular use case, I would want to plug
in "", and get back all two feeds referenced via <link
rel="alternate"...> inside, and no others.
This seems more like the intended purpose of lookup rather than find, and
I'm guessing the only reason lookup caps results at one is to
be conservative. Maybe it could instead return the first n, up to a certain
maximum that Google allows. If it's too much of a hassle to implement
though, I can continue to roll my own for this particular service.
Thanks again for the helpful reply.
From: Joshua Bronson <jabronson-***>
Date: Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: feed lookup service only returns 1 result?
To: Google-AJAX-Search-API-/***
Hey Ben,
Hey Josh --
So I updated the ticket
Thanks.So I updated the ticket
but it looks more like it would be a 'suggestion' than a 'defect'.
Agreed. When I created the ticket using, there didn't seem to
be a way for me to specify 'suggestion' rather than 'defect'. Did I miss
The lookup isn't supposed to return more than 1 item, but the feed find is.
With a bit of modification in the query, maybe it will serve you better?
Let me know if it works. If it does then I will mark the ticket as a
suggestion and 'will not fix' because I think that the feed find would be
the correct tool for the job.
Thanks for the suggestion. It's definitely a nice workaround, and it's
With a bit of modification in the query, maybe it will serve you better?
Let me know if it works. If it does then I will mark the ticket as a
suggestion and 'will not fix' because I think that the feed find would be
the correct tool for the job.
possible I'll be able to use this instead, though I have to think about it
some more. But for the sake of argument if nothing else, feed find and feed
lookup do serve two distinct purposes: find takes some search terms and
returns related feeds, whereas (as I understand it) lookup expects the url
of an html document and returns (currently only the first of possibly many)
feeds referenced in it. For this particular use case, I would want to plug
in "", and get back all two feeds referenced via <link
rel="alternate"...> inside, and no others.
This seems more like the intended purpose of lookup rather than find, and
I'm guessing the only reason lookup caps results at one is to
be conservative. Maybe it could instead return the first n, up to a certain
maximum that Google allows. If it's too much of a hassle to implement
though, I can continue to roll my own for this particular service.
Thanks again for the helpful reply.
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This issue was marked fixed on 10/15 but actually isn't. I said as
much in a comment but there has been no further activity. Can someone
with edit-issue privileges please update the ticket?
--~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~much in a comment but there has been no further activity. Can someone
with edit-issue privileges please update the ticket?
In case anyone else is interested in starring.
On Sep 11, 12:57 pm, "jgeerdes [AJAX APIs \"Guru\"]"
..In case anyone else is interested in starring.
On Sep 11, 12:57 pm, "jgeerdes [AJAX APIs \"Guru\"]"
If this is a feature suggestion, you'll want to post it to the issue
Jeremy R. Geerdes
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