[melkjug-dev] Fwd: [melkjug.org feedback] melkjug.org Instance
Randall Leeds
2009-03-16 06:54:21 UTC
Here's another feedback from someone who doesn't understand how Hide works.

1) Screencast still a great idea
2) Have we tossed out the word 'Dismiss' as a possibility yet?
3) Maybe it's not the word 'Hide' but the prominence of the button itself.
Can/should we make it stand out more?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <melkjug-feedback-***@public.gmane.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 02:07
Subject: [melkjug.org feedback] melkjug.org Instance
To: melkjug.org-feedback-ZwoEplunGu1pszqg2B6Wd0B+***@public.gmane.org

== Melkjug Feedback from Anonymous[cintra] (gfraser-f/***@public.gmane.org) ==

As I scroll past feed posts I expect them to be marked as read, like in
Google Reader. That isn't happening and I don't see where to indicate I've
finished with a post..
Luke Tucker
2009-03-16 11:56:24 UTC

Currently we're doing it a bit differently from Google Reader, but
you're not the first to raise the point. :) It needs improvement, but
the way to get rid of an article on melkjug today is to click on the
"hide" button in either the upper or lower corner of the article.
Unless there is a problem, it should make the article disappear and
also trigger new articles to be loaded.

Thanks for the feedback,

- Luke
Post by Randall Leeds
As I scroll past feed posts I expect them to be marked as read, like
in Google Reader. That isn't happening and I don't see where to
indicate I've finished with a post..
Archive: http://www.openplans.org/projects/melkjug/lists/melkjug-development-list/archive/2009/03/1237204615385
To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to melkjug-dev-***@public.gmane.org Please contact melkjug-dev-manager-ZwoEplunGu1pszqg2B6Wd0B+***@public.gmane.org for questions.
Luke Tucker
2009-03-16 12:03:51 UTC
oops, sent this to the wrong email address, resent it to the right one.

We would make the feedback come from the submitted email address
unless they leave it blank... also now that we've actually gotten a
few of theses I think a subject line would be good. :) Filing tickets...

- Luke
Post by Luke Tucker
Currently we're doing it a bit differently from Google Reader, but
you're not the first to raise the point. :) It needs improvement,
but the way to get rid of an article on melkjug today is to click on
the "hide" button in either the upper or lower corner of the
article. Unless there is a problem, it should make the article
disappear and also trigger new articles to be loaded.
Thanks for the feedback,
- Luke
Post by Randall Leeds
As I scroll past feed posts I expect them to be marked as read,
like in Google Reader. That isn't happening and I don't see where
to indicate I've finished with a post..
Archive: http://www.openplans.org/projects/melkjug/lists/melkjug-development-list/archive/2009/03/1237205037078
To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to melkjug-dev-***@public.gmane.org Please contact melkjug-dev-manager-ZwoEplunGu1pszqg2B6Wd0B+***@public.gmane.org for questions.
Luke Tucker
2009-03-16 12:43:02 UTC
Actually, I'm realizing you were the anonymous user, so possibly the
controls were disabled...
You should be able to get the "hide" button by visiting http://melkjug.org/tryit
or by signing up.

This is actually a problem if the first page you visit is someone
else's page. I filed a bug for it.

Thanks again,

- Luke
Post by Luke Tucker
Currently we're doing it a bit differently from Google Reader, but
you're not the first to raise the point. :) It needs improvement,
but the way to get rid of an article on melkjug today is to click on
the "hide" button in either the upper or lower corner of the
article. Unless there is a problem, it should make the article
disappear and also trigger new articles to be loaded.
Thanks for the feedback,
- Luke
Post by Randall Leeds
As I scroll past feed posts I expect them to be marked as read,
like in Google Reader. That isn't happening and I don't see where
to indicate I've finished with a post..
Archive: http://www.openplans.org/projects/melkjug/lists/melkjug-development-list/archive/2009/03/1237207410694
To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to melkjug-dev-***@public.gmane.org Please contact melkjug-dev-manager-ZwoEplunGu1pszqg2B6Wd0B+***@public.gmane.org for questions.
Luke Tucker
2009-03-16 12:50:52 UTC
I think in this case he actually didn't have the hide button as it
turns out...
a side effect of the way temporary users and handled in this version
(ie a bug)


1) agree
2) I think we decided hide was more in line with what it does
3) probably wouldn't hurt, but shouldn't distract from readability

I think we might want to revisit adding some form of X icon on that
button though... I'm thinking for users that don't speak english, an
image of the word "hide" isn't going to do do much since it can't be

- Luke
Post by Randall Leeds
Here's another feedback from someone who doesn't understand how Hide works.
1) Screencast still a great idea
2) Have we tossed out the word 'Dismiss' as a possibility yet?
3) Maybe it's not the word 'Hide' but the prominence of the button
itself. Can/should we make it stand out more?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 02:07
Subject: [melkjug.org feedback] melkjug.org Instance
As I scroll past feed posts I expect them to be marked as read, like
in Google Reader. That isn't happening and I don't see where to
indicate I've finished with a post..
Joshua Bronson
2009-03-26 02:38:17 UTC
Post by Luke Tucker
I think we might want to revisit adding some form of X icon on that
button though... I'm thinking for users that don't speak english, an
image of the word "hide" isn't going to do do much since it can't be
Ticketed at http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/409.

Archive: http://www.openplans.org/projects/melkjug/lists/melkjug-development-list/archive/2009/03/1238035097644
To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to melkjug-***@lists.openplans.org. Please contact melkjug-dev-manager-ZwoEplunGu1pszqg2B6Wd0B+***@public.gmane.org for questions.