feedparser mailing list?
Joshua Bronson
2008-12-05 17:25:09 UTC
Hi Mark,
I'm working on a web app <http://melkjug.org> that makes heavy use of
FeedParser, and first off wanted to thank you for the great work. I was just
wondering what the best way to communicate with the FeedParser developer
community was. I've created/commented on
few <http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=133>
tickets<http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=108> and
would would love some feedback on the issues/patches. I see there's a
<http://groups.google.com/group/feedparser-commits>mailing list; is
there a discussion list as well?


Archive: http://www.openplans.org/projects/melkjug/lists/melkjug-development-list/archive/2008/12/1228497917266
To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to melkjug-dev-***@public.gmane.org Please contact melkjug-dev-manager-ZwoEplunGu1pszqg2B6Wd0B+***@public.gmane.org for questions.
Joshua Bronson
2009-03-20 21:31:03 UTC
Hey feedparser developers,
I sent the email below a few months ago to mark-JDjPp/***@public.gmane.org, but
haven't yet received a reply. Just thought I'd try emailing all of you.

Post by Joshua Bronson
Hi Mark,
I'm working on a web app <http://melkjug.org> that makes heavy use of
FeedParser, and first off wanted to thank you for the great work. I was just
wondering what the best way to communicate with the FeedParser developer
community was. We've created/commented on a<http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=108>
few <http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=133> tickets<http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=156> and
would love some feedback on the issues/patches. I see there's a
feedparser-commits <http://groups.google.com/group/feedparser-commits>mailing list, but there seems to be no feedparser-users list. If not, I
would be happy to create the Google group and invite the interested parties
if the developers would be interested in participating.
Luke Tucker
2009-03-27 15:14:41 UTC
Hey guys,

I'm guessing from your lack of response this isn't really on your
radar right now. We're interested in moving this forward, so we're
thinking of setting up a github branch of feedparser where we can do
some additional development. I wanted to make sure you know we're not
looking to usurp the current maintainers -- we're just feeling a bit
hamstrung by the current rate of maintenance / communication. If you
feel strongly that we shouldn't do this, let us know. If we don't hear
back within the next week or so, we'll move ahead with it. I'm really
happy to see some increased activity happening in svn / the bug
tracker lately, and so I'm hopeful this won't be an issue at all soon.

- Luke
Post by Joshua Bronson
Hey feedparser developers,
but haven't yet received a reply. Just thought I'd try emailing all
of you.
Hi Mark,
I'm working on a web app that makes heavy use of FeedParser, and
first off wanted to thank you for the great work. I was just
wondering what the best way to communicate with the FeedParser
developer community was. We've created/commented on a few tickets
and would love some feedback on the issues/patches. I see there's a
feedparser-commits mailing list, but there seems to be no feedparser-
users list. If not, I would be happy to create the Google group and
invite the interested parties if the developers would be interested
in participating.
Joshua Bronson
2009-04-06 17:57:04 UTC
No response, time to fork? If so maybe we should create a universal
feedparser ticket about lack of a mailing list / developer responsiveness
and leave the url to our fork in a comment.
Post by Luke Tucker
Hey guys,
I'm guessing from your lack of response this isn't really on your radar
right now. We're interested in moving this forward, so we're thinking of
setting up a github branch of feedparser where we can do some additional
development. I wanted to make sure you know we're not looking to usurp the
current maintainers -- we're just feeling a bit hamstrung by the current
rate of maintenance / communication. If you feel strongly that we shouldn't
do this, let us know. If we don't hear back within the next week or so,
we'll move ahead with it. I'm really happy to see some increased activity
happening in svn / the bug tracker lately, and so I'm hopeful this won't be
an issue at all soon.
- Luke
Hey feedparser developers,
haven't yet received a reply. Just thought I'd try emailing all of you.
Post by Joshua Bronson
Hi Mark,
I'm working on a web app <http://melkjug.org> that makes heavy use of
FeedParser, and first off wanted to thank you for the great work. I was just
wondering what the best way to communicate with the FeedParser developer
community was. We've created/commented on a<http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=108>
few <http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=133> tickets<http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/issues/detail?id=156> and
would love some feedback on the issues/patches. I see there's a
feedparser-commits <http://groups.google.com/group/feedparser-commits>mailing list, but there seems to be no feedparser-users list. If not, I
would be happy to create the Google group and invite the interested parties
if the developers would be interested in participating.