[melkjug-dev] Fwd: Testing Melkjug
Sonali Sridhar
2009-03-19 00:46:38 UTC
Luke Josh here is some more feedback to take a look at. Will post it
to the wiki as well.

Date: March 18, 2009 3:03:42 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Testing Melkjug
Here's a really quick audit. I apologize for the terse comments, no
offense meant. If you want a full-scale audit, or QA services, we
can talk.
-- "Add some news sources with the search form on the right. Click
to subscribe. " -- WHAT SEARCH FORM? There's a form that says "News
Sources", but there isn't anything that says SEARCH.
-- There should be a way to DIRECTLY ENTER A FEED URL, not have to
search for stuff.
-- When you email an item to a friend, there's no confirmation that
it's been sent.
-- How do I follow someone?
-- Sources should be first, not Presets. And Tuners needs some help,
in terms of explaining what it does.
-- When I click "Why was this chosen?" the window pops up, but
doesn't go away
--"Drag this link to your toolbar to subscribe to feeds you
encounter on the web: Jug It!" -- huh? What link? What toolbar?
--Is this your dev server? If so, why are you using the actual
domain name? Also, are you sure you want ssh access to this public
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.1 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open tcpwrapped
135/tcp filtered msrpc
137/tcp filtered netbios-ns
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
-- use XHTML Strict of HTML 5. None of this Transitional bs.
-- don't use js for rounded corners.
-- YSlow gives it a grade F. Main issues: i) Too many HTTP requests
(9 external js files? really?) ii) GZIP it! iii) minify your js, and
use fewer scripts!
--check for whether requests are ajaxian or not e.g. http://melkjug.org/algebraist/jug/config?rnd=1237405911662
should give an error message, not start downloading JSON!
Been a bit busy. (Perhaps you heard from Anjali). Will get back to
you on this.
Hey you two try going down this set of super casual steps and
answer these questions!
We are in the Alpha release of MELKJUG, an RSS aggregator here at
TOPP. We would love it if you could take a few minutes of your
time to walk through it with us for some informal testing.
*Demo: *
*What I am looking for: *
1. What is this product? What does it do?
2. Try it - where do you stop?
3. Register and set up a space - was it smooth
4. Add feeds
5. Create some filters - tune then and tell us what your
experience with that is.
6. Whatever else you would like to do - Import your feeds - add
users etc.
7. If you have a strong opinion on graphics thats welcome too! :)
*What you will encounter: *
1. The site is slow
If you can please spend about 20mins playing with this if you can.
Looking for feedback on very basic user experience as well as any
gems you come across! :) Feel free to be as harsh as possible -
its a slow load - so look for a little "working" cloud on your
bottom left.
Thanks a ton! Sonali
Shameel Arafin
CTO, Co-Founder
240 West 35th Street, Suite 705A
New York, NY 10001
Luke Tucker
2009-03-19 13:22:35 UTC
Good stuff. Thanks for reaching out to these folks Sonali!

- Luke
-- "Add some news sources with the search form on the right. Click
<add-feed.gif> to subscribe. " -- WHAT SEARCH FORM? There's a form
that says "News Sources", but there isn't anything that says SEARCH.
-- There should be a way to DIRECTLY ENTER A FEED URL, not have to
search for stuff.
-- When you email an item to a friend, there's no confirmation that
it's been sent.
-- How do I follow someone?
-- Sources should be first, not Presets. And Tuners needs some
help, in terms of explaining what it does.
-- When I click "Why was this chosen?" the window pops up, but
doesn't go away
--"Drag this link to your toolbar to subscribe to feeds you
encounter on the web: Jug It!" -- huh? What link? What toolbar?
--Is this your dev server? If so, why are you using the actual
domain name? Also, are you sure you want ssh access to this public
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.1 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open tcpwrapped
135/tcp filtered msrpc
137/tcp filtered netbios-ns
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
-- use XHTML Strict of HTML 5. None of this Transitional bs.
-- don't use js for rounded corners.
-- YSlow gives it a grade F. Main issues: i) Too many HTTP requests
(9 external js files? really?) ii) GZIP it! iii) minify your js,
and use fewer scripts!
--check for whether requests are ajaxian or not e.g. http://melkjug.org/algebraist/jug/config?rnd=1237405911662
should give an error message, not start downloading JSON!
Been a bit busy. (Perhaps you heard from Anjali). Will get back to
you on this.
Hey you two try going down this set of super casual steps and
answer these questions!
We are in the Alpha release of MELKJUG, an RSS aggregator here at
TOPP. We would love it if you could take a few minutes of your
time to walk through it with us for some informal testing.
*Demo: *
*What I am looking for: *
1. What is this product? What does it do?
2. Try it - where do you stop?
3. Register and set up a space - was it smooth
4. Add feeds
5. Create some filters - tune then and tell us what your
experience with that is.
6. Whatever else you would like to do - Import your feeds - add
users etc.
7. If you have a strong opinion on graphics thats welcome too! :)
*What you will encounter: *
1. The site is slow
If you can please spend about 20mins playing with this if you can.
Looking for feedback on very basic user experience as well as any
gems you come across! :) Feel free to be as harsh as possible -
its a slow load - so look for a little "working" cloud on your
bottom left.
Thanks a ton! Sonali
Shameel Arafin
CTO, Co-Founder
240 West 35th Street, Suite 705A
New York, NY 10001
Joshua Bronson
2009-03-26 01:46:43 UTC
Luke Josh here is some more feedback to take a look at. Will post it to the
wiki as well.
*Date: *March 18, 2009 3:03:42 PM CDT
*Subject: **Re: Testing Melkjug*
Here's a really quick audit. I apologize for the terse comments, no offense
meant. If you want a full-scale audit, or QA services, we can talk.
-- "*Add some news sources* with the search form on the right. Click to
subscribe. " -- WHAT SEARCH FORM? There's a form that says "News Sources",
but there isn't anything that says SEARCH.
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/360 (blank presets need better
what-do-i-do-now? cue)
-- There should be a way to DIRECTLY ENTER A FEED URL, not have to search
for stuff.
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/377 (add single feed directly)
-- When you email an item to a friend, there's no confirmation that it's
been sent.
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/402 (growl-style notifications)
-- How do I follow someone?
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/406 (rework followers workflow)
-- Sources should be first, not Presets. And Tuners needs some help, in
terms of explaining what it does.
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/407 (rework reader sidebar)
-- When I click "Why was this chosen?" the window pops up, but doesn't go
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/403 (not obvious that "why was
this chosen" is an expander)
--"Drag this link to your toolbar to subscribe to feeds you encounter on
the web: Jug It!" -- huh? What link? What toolbar?
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/404 (Jug It! bookmarklet needs
better explanation)
--Is this your dev server? If so, why are you using the actual domain name?
Also, are you sure you want ssh access to this public server? Portscan
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.1 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open tcpwrapped
135/tcp filtered msrpc
137/tcp filtered netbios-ns
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
Should we restrict melkjug.org ssh access to inside the TOPP network only?
-- use XHTML Strict of HTML 5. None of this Transitional bs.
We will be transitioning to straight up HTML 5 in future design work.
-- don't use js for rounded corners.
I just turned up spiffycorners.com, a css-only (no js, no images) rounded
corners generator. Is this worthwhile?
-- YSlow gives it a grade F. Main issues: i) Too many HTTP requests (9
external js files? really?) ii) GZIP it! iii) minify your js, and use fewer
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/370 (serve minified javascript)
--check for whether requests are ajaxian or not e.g.
http://melkjug.org/algebraist/jug/config?rnd=1237405911662 should give an
error message, not start downloading JSON!
http://trac.openplans.org/melkjug/ticket/408 (only give json responses to
ajax requests)
