quick check of trunk ui state
Luke Tucker
2008-08-25 21:46:38 UTC

Here's a quick list of stuff I turned up the trunk as of today (r1357)
in rough order of importance. For reference I'm using firefox 3.
Overall the major features seem functional -- these are mostly
details. Josh is working on putting up a demo of this version on the
internal dev site so the rest of you can start playing with it.

- Email link does not work

- There doesn't seem to be any internal styling in the dialogs, lots
of visibly bulleted lists, buttons are unstyled

- Search for a feed in the find feeds box results have bullets next to
them, should have green plus button, was contained in slidedown boxy

- No indication of operations in progress on tryit page

- Missing status message display after feed import

- Tipping jug progress indicator on logged in page does not match

- From /tryit without doing anything else, adjust age filter, page
seems to jump up and down when adjusted. In general moving filter
controls seems to cause any active search to open / close or something ?

- Show hidden items doesn't make any sense if it's in any legitimate
state, eg just says "No", maybe should say "Do Not Show Hidden" or the
question should come back outside.

- Green arrow on blank slate now points to filter box, should point at
feed box.

- Signup page right hand info panel wraps to below form

- "Why was this chosen" stars wrap around when there are long filter

Other in progress stuff / thoughts after using for a bit:

- sounds like we should get rid of the scroll-closes-dialog behavior
since it's a blocker in safari

- we still need to figure out saving / renaming

- need to figure out where the collapse/star are aligned in the
expanded state, not super usable right now, after expanding the
collapse function may go offscreen.

- on / off switches need backend and frontend

- form pages are okay, but they look a bit bland

- sliders look a bit ghosty, background coloring makes function seems
even less obvious than before

- for 'stock' pages (and for the reader somewhat) the left aligned
page just looks weird to me. front page especially sort of looks like
something didn't load or there was a problem.

- Luke

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Luke Tucker
2008-08-26 14:22:34 UTC
Aside from the outer header/footer shell, none of the pages except the
logged-in reader have a new-design mockup for this pass that I've
seen. Any reasonably clean presentation will do for the time being.
The user home page has a somewhat questionable future, but it will
need to stick around at least through this release.

At the very least I would like to see a link to the user page of the
owner of a jug when viewing it. Ultimately, It would be nice to see a
sidebar box that lists the owner, who they follow, who follows them
and provides the ability to follow / unfollow and links to the
different users' jugs to increase the explorability of the system. If
that sounds easy, cool, but it can definitely wait for other more
important things to settle in. A basic pass at it is all I'm looking
for in the next release.

- Luke
Hey Luke,
Do we have more of an idea of how we want the UI to work for
following users? It's still right where Nick and I left it, which is
to say quite rough. For that matter, the user homepage as a whole is
right where we left it, which makes me think it hasn't yet the
Ashlock love, in which case sorry for stating the obvious.
Archive: http://www.openplans.org/projects/melkjug/lists/melkjug-development-list/archive/2008/08/1219760559309
To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to melkjug-dev-***@public.gmane.org Please contact melkjug-dev-manager-ZwoEplunGu1pszqg2B6Wd0B+***@public.gmane.org for questions.
Joshua Bronson
2008-08-27 22:25:03 UTC
At the very least I would like to see a link to the user page of the owner
of a jug when viewing it.
I added a breadcrumb-style link before the jug name in the jug titlebar,
e.g. magicbronson <http://melkjug.org/magicbronson> ::

Ultimately, It would be nice to see a sidebar box that lists the owner, who
they follow, who follows them and provides the ability to follow / unfollow
and links to the different users' jugs to increase the explorability of the
Working on this now. Progress is visible at dev.melkjug.org. Comments
