Last I checked there was no official API and to talk to google about
sharing an item you need to know google's id for it -- but I could be
missing something obvious.
For someone who wants to solve a fun puzzle, figure out how to go from
a feed item's identifier to google's identifier. For example given
the item with id "" in full, can we compute that
google wants to call that ",2005:reader/item/
1a9e8d1e76a9454f" ?
Vice versa looks a bit easier since they preserve the original id in
their own representation of the item. If you look at google's
representation for xkcd (
you will see that the items are identified like this:
<id gr:original-id="">,2005:reader/
Figuring this out would possibly allow other integrations like marking
as read... Some unofficial API details can be found here:
- Luke
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Randall Leeds
Side note: A Google authorization might be all we need to add a
'Share on GReader' button (the lack of which is a barrier to entry
for at least a few of my friends).
I've started a ticket for google reader integration at
and mentioned adding it as another service to share via. Feel free
to add more ideas to the ticket if you have any!